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 Excessive Transmission Bellhousing Leak

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
70 Boys Posted - 06/28/2009 : 21:52:04
The leak got to be so excessive that I had to pull the tranny and investigate. Didn't see anything visually noticeable inside the tranny with the front seal or anything else. Then we finally noticed a hairline crack in the hub of the converter. I had converter bolt problems being that i couldn't keep them tight. Every weekend for a while we had to re-tighten them. That got old so we wrapped some thread tape on an inch thick and drenched them in red loctite held the crank bolt and power tightened them. It held then but I'm wondering it those loose converter bolts, banging on the back of the block , caused my hub to crack on the converter. Has anyone else experienced this problem ? I bringing the converter down to Midwest and asking their opinion as well. I'm assuming we will replace the hub and helicoil the holes to prevent further issues ? What do you guys suggest ? Dave Engler
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
70 Boys Posted - 06/30/2009 : 22:49:16
Wrenched on that tire guage for a while only to learn it wasnt worth saving. We parted it out though and kept the good half.

Dont worry Joe you'll be back ! If nothing else build a third car and call it " Absolutely Bananas "
stronglikebull Posted - 06/30/2009 : 15:58:00
Dave, the bypass valve came out of the bore in the valve body and couldn't go back in, Jerry Hass shortened the throw .080 so it will stay in the bore,don't know what caused it,my guess is it's from constant speed and vibration!!Tranny worked great last weekend,but while in competition,Driver left starting line skills in other car back home!!Shake'n'Bake
brandonschmall Posted - 06/29/2009 : 22:25:15
Dave, what about that tire gauge? Ever get that fixed?
70 Boys Posted - 06/29/2009 : 21:39:14
Exactly ! Not at all but how about Joe Marx's tranny in Cedar Falls ? What did ya blow Joe ?
andyschmall Posted - 06/29/2009 : 20:42:06
All of that was because of Nick though, right??
70 Boys Posted - 06/29/2009 : 14:27:14
It wasnt a cracked hub it was a cracked bolt flange leaking on the converter. Got to see the leakdown test and see the actual leak in action. Pretty cool except the fact it's cracked.

Lets see - 3 races so far and I blew a set of pro Dana 60 gears , rebuilt the tranny and having the converter gone thru. Hmmm how much are boats again ? :) just kidding.


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