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 Gizmo/no Gizmo

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ford_fixer Posted - 02/23/2010 : 07:14:09
Is a transbrake and two step considered a Gizmo? In other words if I have a t-brake and 2-step can I run Bracket II?

Also, do MSRA racers pay the normal entry fees etc. at the track or are they different?

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
badd65 Posted - 02/26/2010 : 12:45:33
that is a fantastic idea,(does MDRA get a discount?) has anyone discussed this with track owners? Hey even 5 bucks is 5 bucks.

Though credit does have to be given Cedar Falls, on Sunday morning they run a mini MDRA only race.

ford_fixer Posted - 02/24/2010 : 08:51:46
OK, sounds good. I'll probably foot brake anyway...the t-brake seems to equal red lights with my car anyway. And it looks a little funny with 28" skinnies on the front to try to increase the roll out.
I normally just use the brake on a pro tree.

I just wanted to make sure that it didn't have to be removed from the car to run in that class.

Thanks for the replies!
andyschmall Posted - 02/23/2010 : 12:23:51
Yeah, and so are tachs and wrist watches!
Two Pedals to paradice Posted - 02/23/2010 : 09:19:00
"Is a transbrake and two step considered a Gizmo"?....Yes they are!But blind people see them as not.Its just the way it is.

Ginger Separatist Movement
steve stockton Posted - 02/23/2010 : 09:10:41

Transbrakes and two steps are OK in Bracket II. The two main things that would be considered a Gizmo are a delay box and a Throttle stop.

MDRA racers pay all the same entry fees at the track.
ford_fixer Posted - 02/23/2010 : 07:18:57
Sorry, I meant MDRA, not MSRA.

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