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Midwest Drag Racers Association
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If you are looking to buy or sell something, place your classified ad in the Eliminator to sell it more quickly. Non-members may mail in ads with payment of $10.00 to run an ad for two months.  Mail ads to MDRA PO Box 390 Zimmerman MN 55398-0390

MDRA Members ads are Free.

For Sale: Shocks
QA1 Rear Adjustable Coil Over Shocks. P/N DD901. Coils are Jegs P/N 64981 and are 14 inch by 175 pounds. Shocks have 25 passes on them, coils were never used. $450
Jim Lambrecht651-788-2294

For Sale:
Ford 9 inch rear end housing, no center section. With Mark Williams Hi Torque 35 spline axels. 4.5 x 5 Bolt Pattern with 7/16 and 9/16 drilled and tapped wheel stud holes. $800 value sell for $350. If interested call and leave message.
John Marszalek612-799-2975