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Junior Member

245 Posts

Posted - 04/07/2009 :  12:24:55  Show Profile  Visit andyschmall's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Race at multi day events. Your entry costs are higher but fuel is cut in half.

Slow cars save money. Equipment, like mark said, as well as maintenance and wear and tear on parts.

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Posted - 04/07/2009 :  13:38:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Come on, Andy, your logic is folly! Why abuse your car for over 10 seconds when you can be done in 7.5? That is 25% more abuse you are subjecting your parts to!

Tony Leonard
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Posted - 04/07/2009 :  14:28:17  Show Profile  Visit andyschmall's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Good point. Lets go fast!!!
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Posted - 04/08/2009 :  22:33:01  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
dear mrs.soulfisher, in no way is it possible to keep the cost down, i tried that last year and look where it got me! you and all the other racing wives should consider working an extra job so us racers can spend more on our cars and more time at the track!!(mark,i hope this helps!)shake&bake
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Posted - 04/09/2009 :  06:34:27  Show Profile  Visit soulfisher's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by stronglikebull

dear mrs.soulfisher, in no way is it possible to keep the cost down, i tried that last year and look where it got me! you and all the other racing wives should consider working an extra job so us racers can spend more on our cars and more time at the track!!(mark,i hope this helps!)shake&bake

She laughs. I think she believes I am her extra job. But I don't pay as well. There's always selling my plasma.

On a serious note, I hate the word budget, but based on this year, I would strongly suggest budgeting our racing habit. Not fun, but if you have a plan and stick to it, then it helps. I went into the end of the season with a few simple things in mind to do, and will come out with practically a different car. Not a great example of self control, but one thing led to another. I really should rename my car to "Stimulus Package"

Last year was a challenge with high fuel costs, but most of us all had jobs. This year, fuel is down, but not everyone is working. One of the great things about drag racing is that we are all "family." We might be great rivals at the line, but in the pits, we are friends. Many of the racers have skills and abilities that we can utilize. I had a fellow racer do my cage. I would like a new motor next year if the budget provides, so I should think about getting one from a racer or sponsor that builds them. Keeping the money in our "family" of racers will help us keep the sport alive. I would love to see a way that we can further this idea to help out fellow racers. Remember, if there isn't anyone able to pull up to the tree next to you, it isn't a race.

Here is a solid idea. What if we have a parts swap day at one of the MDRA races. I know I have a few things that came off the car that are perfectly good, such as a Mopar master cylinder used for one season. I have some extra trailer wheels and tires, and a few other parts. We all must have parts around that could help out another racer if we sold them at a reasonable cost. They aren't doing anything for us if they just sit on the shelf.
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70 Boys

270 Posts

Posted - 04/09/2009 :  09:10:25  Show Profile  Visit 70 Boys's Homepage  Reply with Quote
MDRA Car Show and Swap meet is were I seem to sell all my extra's.
Only $15 a space and I usually sell hundreds worth every year.


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